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Industry Leaders and Professionals

Colorado needs you. You have the power to start conversations, raise awareness, and save lives by responsibly using Extreme Risk Protection Orders.

What’s an Extreme Risk Protection Order?

Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) are a legal form of temporary out-of-home gun storage that restricts access to guns for individuals who have demonstrated that they’re at risk for harming  themselves or others.

Learn how to file an Extreme Risk Protection Order

Who can file an Extreme Risk Protection Order?

The law that created Extreme Risk Protection Orders was carefully written to prevent abuse or prejudice. Besides family members, ERPOs can only be petitioned for by select groups:

  1. Law enforcement officers, including police, sheriffs, and attorneys general.
  2. Licensed health care professionals, including doctors, nurses and psychiatrists.
  3. Licensed mental health professionals, including psychologists, social workers and addiction counselors.
  4. Educators, including teachers, administrators, and higher education professionals.
  5. District Attorneys.

Be a Leader in Your Community

Be a Leader in Your Community

Talk to your community about gun safety and personal responsibility when owning or handling firearms. Be a resource to your community. Let them know you are available to answer questions or hear concerns.

A man standing next to several semi trucks at sunset.

Get Information on Filing an Extreme Risk Protection Order

Want to speak with someone about filing an Extreme Risk Protection Order? Call Colorado’s Extreme Risk Protection Hotline at 855-999-3776 (ERPO). They’re available 24/7 to provide relevant resources related to Extreme Risk Protection Orders and information on the process to file for one.

Do something small, every day.

Share your knowledge. Start a conversation. And lead by example.

If you slowly spread the word about safe gun storage and responsible shooting, you’ll help start a movement that will save lives in Colorado.